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Health Insurance & Finances

We're here to help! 
Woman with short gray hair wearing a light blue shirt and glasses sitting on a couch looking down towards papers on table

Your needs might fall into several of the categories below, or just one.  If your issues fall outside our scope of expertise or another type of service would just be a better fit, resources on other connections are provided at no cost.

stock photo of two female friends hugging each other and laughing

Choosing an Insurance Plan

We will discuss your budget, current healthcare needs, and healthcare goal. Based on this information, we will identify a few plans that are the best fit for you and we will review why they are a good match based on your unique situation.


Policy Questions and Verification of Benefits

If you have questions about insurance coverage for specific services or want a general overview of your current policy, we can provide clear answers in addition to outlining questions to ask your insurance company.

stock photo of healthcare professional in white jacket rewiving information on a clipboard with individiual
stock photo of older couple. The husband is sitting down reading a tablet whiel the wife is standing behidn him, with her arms around his shoulders

Insurance Terminology

Let’s go through common insurance terminology together. Understanding this language will be beneficial when communicating with insurance companies, billing departments, and even healthcare providers.


Medical Bill Review

This service is available to everyone, regardless of whether you currently have health insurance or not. We can look over medical bills, break down the costs, and confirm accuracy. Additionally, we can offer help with finding and applying to financial assistance programs. 

stock photo of young female with medium skin tone, brunette hair in a bun, and glasses smiling while looking down at her cell phone

Explore Our Prices

We believe every person has the right to receive healthcare services, understand the cost involved, and make informed decisions when choosing care.

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